Specialist article on the subject of employee surveys

Employee survey: definition, types, sample questions, sample & template, evaluation, software, tips.

Conduct an employee survey using QuestionPro software


Significantly improve employee satisfaction by conducting regular employee surveys. A specialist article on the topic of employee experience from QuestionPro

Specialist article on the subject of employee surveys

Employee survey: Definition & Origins

An employee survey or employee survey is defined as a survey process used to obtain opinions from employees. In this way, the mood, morale, commitment, identification and also the willingness and performance of a company's employees can be questioned. As a rule, an employee survey is carried out anonymously in order to motivate the workforce to share their good and bad experiences without hesitation or fear of reprisal. The employee survey is an integral part of continuous employee feedback in order to obtain an overview of factors such as work culture, the leadership behavior of superiors, motivating and demotivating elements in the workplace and satisfaction.

Employee surveys were originally introduced in the 1920s as employee attitude surveys. After more than 20 years of implementation, an economic increase of more than 1944% was observed between 1947 and 200 in the United States of America in the 3500 companies that implemented employee surveys. Today, 50-75% of companies are committed to using employee surveys regularly and implementing changes suggested by employees.

Types of employee surveys
with examples

There are five main types of employee surveys that can help business owners significantly improve their relationships with employees.

Employee satisfaction survey

This type of employee survey, also known as an employee morale survey, allows for opinions to be gathered that management and HR can use to create a positive environment for employees. The following five main components should basically be included here:

  • HR department assessment
  • Satisfaction in terms of salary and other benefits
  • General job satisfaction
  • Reasons for staying or leaving the job
  • Evaluation of company policy

This employee satisfaction survey is usually very extensive and often consists of more than 60 questions. The feedback received from the employees is summarised and evaluated by those responsible in order to adjust the organisational processes accordingly. The employee satisfaction survey is best used to get an accurate picture of what motivates employees to stay with the company, be loyal to the company and perform to their maximum potential.

Employee engagement survey

This type of employee engagement survey is conducted when an organisation intends to examine factors that contribute to the performance of the workforce. The following parameters are measured through an employee engagement survey:

  • Employee skills
  • Identification with the tasks and the company
  • Relationship with direct and indirect superiors
  • Cross-departmental relationship management
  • Uncovering development potential

Employee survey on organizational culture

This type of employee survey is usually used in situations such as mergers and acquisitions or structural changes within an organisation. They are tools that help to understand how much employees understand and buy into the culture of the organisation. The following parameters can be measured with the help of employee surveys on organisational culture:

  • The organization's mission and how it is understood by employees
  • In the event of a merger, differences in the work culture of the employees of the two companies involved
  • Contribute to team unity
  • Bond with superiors and the company
  • Acceptance of change

This type of employee survey is generally used to understand how involved an employee is in the culture and growth of the organisation.

Employee survey on business processes

Die Mitarbeiter sind integrale Grundsteine für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Die meisten Mitarbeiter, die direkt mit den Kunden interagieren oder am Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess eines Produkts beteiligt sind, haben Ideen und Vorschläge, die dem Unternehmen beim Wachstum und bei der Definition von Geschäftsprozessen helfen können. Natürlich kann man nicht jeden Vorschlag umsetzen, aber die Mitarbeiter um ihre Meinung zu bitten hat auch den großen Vorteil, das es sie motiviert, immer wieder Ideen und Vorschläge einzubringen. Ein paar Gründe, warum Sie eine Umfrage zu Ihren Geschäftsprozessen durchführen sollten:

  • You receive “first-hand” feedback, i.e. from people who are directly involved in the business processes in practical operation.
  • Employees feel valued because they are included in the business decision-making process.
  • Topics that directly impact the business can be highlighted as employees work closely with questions related to customers and products/services.

Employee survey as 360 degree feedback

Feedback from the employees of the organisation is important. In some cases, however, feedback from other sources such as supervisors, management, customers, etc. can also be obtained through a 360° feedback survey. The key feature of this employee survey is therefore not merely to ask employees for their opinion of managers. Rather, managers should also conduct a self-analysis. In practice, however, 360 degree surveys do not refer to managers alone. We observe that employees themselves are increasingly the subject of 360 degree surveys, albeit in a modified form.

360 degree feedback employee survey

Example of a dashboard for 360 degree feedback within QuestionPro’s employee experience management platform

A 360-degree survey offers multiple perspectives on an employee's performance, on the basis of which decisions can be made about training, workload changes and other factors that can further improve an employee's performance. Benevolent and constructive critical feedback is the first step in any improvement. It gives the organisation, the managers and ultimately the employees the opportunity to work on existing structural or personal "shortcomings" and to continuously improve .

360-degree feedback surveys are critical to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each employee. By receiving feedback from a variety of sources, management can make valuable decisions about the development of the workforce and therefore the entire organisation.

You can read more tips and best practices on the topic of 360-degree feedback here

Employee survey on employee experience

An employee experience survey consists of questions that help an organization measure an employee's overall experience, which provides information about what employees experience, feel and learn throughout the entire period of employment (employee journey). This type of employee survey must contain the right mix of open and closed questions in order to capture feedback from the workforce both quantitatively and qualitatively. The experience of employees can be recorded at various “employee touchpoints” throughout the entire employment period, for example when joining the company (onboarding), during training and development, during projects and also when leaving the company.

Employee survey on candidate experience

The topic of candidate experience is becoming increasingly important for companies as they understand that the employee journey does not just begin when the employee joins the company, but rather plays an essential role during the recruitment process. We have explained the topic of candidate experience in detail for you in a separate blog post.

Candidate experience

Employee survey along the employee journey

Employee survey and employee satisfaction:
Questions from practice for practice

What and how employees think about their work and the company they work for can make or break a company. Improving employee satisfaction and increasing employee engagement is the best investment a company can make. Satisfied employees put their heart and soul into their work and are loyal and committed. The employee survey is the tool of choice when it comes to getting a picture of the mood, satisfaction, organisational culture and information policy in your company. From discussions with our HR clients, we have compiled a few questions for you that are frequently used in practice when conducting an employee survey.

HR tips: Important questions that should not be missing from any employee survey

Questions about the relationship between employees and the company

1. Is there a clear understanding of the strategic goals of the organisation?
In an internal survey by QuestionPro, 36% of employees said that better visibility of company goals would increase their satisfaction and performance.

2. Are you clear about your role in achieving the company's goals?
If employees have an orientation as to what exactly their role is in implementing the company's strategy, this has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

3. Do you think there is an opportunity for individual career development for you within the company?
If your employees are directionless in terms of growth, there is a risk that they will sooner or later change their minds and feel the need to leave the company.

4. Will you still be working for our company in the next 2 years?
With this question you get a picture of the loyalty of your employees. If the value in the evaluation is negative, then alarm bells should ring. It also reflects the confidence of your staff. Thus, this question should not be missing in an employee survey.

5. Would you recommend our company as an employer to your friends and acquaintances?

The answers you get to this question paint a powerful picture in terms of loyalty to the company and the satisfaction of your employees in general. Ultimately, you want your employees to love working in your company so much that they want to share it with their friends. Add a follow-up question to this question and ask your employees to explain the rating given to this question in a few sentences. If employees are highly unlikely to recommend your workplace or have any reservations, you need to know what exactly the problems are. Incidentally, this question on willingness to recommend is called → Employee Net Promoter Score, and this question should not be missing from any employee survey!

Questions about team work

Research has shown a close connection between functioning teamwork and job satisfaction. The following three questions create a good picture of the situation in your company.

6. How do you like working with your teammates?

7. Would you also accept an extra hour for your team?

8. Do you feel that you are supported by your team in the best possible way?

Questions about information and communication policy

Seek and you shall find. But how are you supposed to know what to look for? Information policy and knowledge management within a company are important parts of the agility principle. So find out with the following questions whether you are doing everything right in your company.

9. Do you often struggle to get important information that is relevant to your everyday work?

10. Is there always someone who can quickly make an important decision for you if an issue exceeds your authority?

11. Does the company always inform you about innovations and changes that directly affect you?

12. Do you have enough tools to communicate with your colleagues?

Should not be missing from any employee survey:
Questions about the relationship with the supervisor

13. Do you feel motivated by your superiors to do your daily work?

14. Do you feel sufficiently rewarded for your dedication and commitment to your work?

15. Do you feel that your opinion is heard and valued by your manager?

16. Do you think the company offers you sufficient → scope for your personal and professional growth?

Questions about professional passion and self-assessment

17. Do you experience personal growth, such as improving your skills and learning other tasks besides your regular duties?

18. Do you think you are appreciated by your manager?

19. Do you think you go beyond your limits when it comes to completing a difficult task?

20. Do you think your job has a positive influence on your private life?

21. Do you think you have enough knowledge to solve your tasks?

22. Do you think management respects your personal family time?

Questions about feedback

23. Do you get constructive feedback from your supervisor?

Constructive, non-accusatory criticism is very important for the personal growth of your employees. Therefore, as part of your employee survey, it is imperative to find out what kind of feedback culture prevails in your company. If employees always receive negative criticism, this does not only have a negative effect on their well-being. Rather, it can lead to your staff being afraid of making mistakes and therefore less committed and motivated.

24. Does your manager praise you when you have done a good job?

If you do a good job, you should also get the appropriate feedback. If your employees do a good job, but this is not appreciated, this can lead to your employees questioning the meaningfulness of their commitment.

Questions about work-life balance

For some employees, work-life balance is of the utmost importance, for example to be able to pick up their children from school or go to doctor's appointments. For others, there are clear boundaries between when they should be available for work and when they can focus on their private life. Therefore, questions on this topic should also be included in your employee survey!

25. Do you think the work environment helps you find the right balance between your work life and your private life?

26. Does your job cause you an unreasonable amount of stress?

27. Do you think your manager understands what it means to have a healthy work-life balance?

Questions about fairness in the workplace

28. Do you think your manager treats all team members equally?

29. Do you think the organisation has a fair promotion policy for all staff?

30. Do you think that management is too focused on managing policies regarding employees?

Questions about general satisfaction

When you think of an employee survey, questions about job satisfaction are probably the first that come to mind. Measuring employee satisfaction starts with understanding how employees feel about their jobs, their work, their pay and other day-to-day factors. While it's crucial to assess what your employees think about their salary and benefits, you should definitely dig deeper. Take a look at these examples:

31. Are you satisfied with the opportunities to develop your career in this company and is there a clear plan on how to do so?

Determining satisfaction in relation to professional development should be a top priority in your employee survey. The majority of today's workforce is made up of professionals who are between the ages of mid-20s and late 30s. When asked what they want most from an employer, this generation consistently ranks professional development opportunities among the top three workplace "must-haves". Use the answers to this question to optimise career planning for higher employee retention.

32. Does your manager communicate clearly and professionally about expectations placed on you?

Misunderstandings in communication at every level of your organisation create unnecessary sensitivities, barriers to productivity, camaraderie and overall job satisfaction. When employees don't feel that their supervisor is relaying realistic expectations or constructive feedback, they often report feeling "blindsided". They may even have to redo their work because their tasks were not clearly defined. This creates frustration. So in any case, place a question on communication between supervisors and employees in your employee survey.

33. Do you have all the necessary tools, software programmes, infrastructure you need to do your job successfully?

The availability of technology, information, tools and access to resources needed to do quality work is a major factor in employee satisfaction. Simple details such as reliable internet or access to information appropriate to the employee's role can make a big difference. Employees who are equipped with the right tools work more efficiently and become less frustrated. So don't forget this question in your employee survey!

34. If you encounter a problem or an unusual challenge in the course of your work, do you know where you can find a solution as quickly as possible?

This question within the staff survey has to do with the people and resources your staff can turn to in particular situations. If they can access resources or help from colleagues and managers to help them solve problems, they can feel more confident in their daily routine and are also less afraid of making mistakes. You can supplement this question to the extent that you ask whether your employees also feel comfortable asking colleagues or managers for help.

Questions about engagement

Essentially, employee engagement is about the investment and motivation as well as the emotional attachment of individuals to their work and the company and whether employees feel valued and thus have a high degree of identification. You should therefore place the following questions in your employee survey:

35. How comfortable do you feel communicating with your superiors and colleagues in meetings, within projects or when solving problems?

Employees may feel uncomfortable working with others because they feel their contributions are not welcome or because certain colleagues dominate group interactions. This could even include harassment or bullying. On the other hand, employees who feel comfortable working in a team have the opportunity to be more innovative in their work. Ask explicitly about these kinds of feelings in your staff survey, as staff may not dare to address it openly.

36. Does your team / department / supervisors support and encourage your work so that you can achieve the best possible results?

Real good teamwork does not stop at working together. Employees should feel that their team supports them in achieving their common goals, even if they are working on different tasks. When employees know they have supporters and a group of colleagues who motivate them to do their best, they are certainly more engaged at work.

37. Do you feel valued by our company?

The best talent adds value to their company, and to encourage retention, their employer needs to show them that they are valued in return.

Questions about corporate culture

A strong corporate culture is what every entrepreneur and also the workforce hopes for. In the best case, your corporate culture increases the satisfaction, commitment and performance of employees and managers. To check the state of your corporate culture, take "the pulse of your company" in your employee survey.

38. Is the company's mission statement clear to you and can you identify with it 100%?

A successful mission statement builds on shared values and motivates staff to work towards the same goal. It brings meaning to your work and fosters a sense of community as your entire team invests in achieving the mission. If this mission is unclear, vague or undeveloped, your company culture can suffer.

39. Do you think the company promotes inclusion and protects employees from discrimination and harassment?

Your company may have the best of intentions, but if inclusion and diversity is not lived or perceived as part of the culture, it can be difficult to protect your team from discrimination and harassment. An employee survey is an excellent opportunity to review this crucial element of company culture from everyone's perspective.

Advantages of employee surveys

Employee surveys give an organisation the opportunity to focus on aspects such as work culture, attracting new employees, retaining current employees and their satisfaction.

  • Efforts can be made to improve employee productivity and satisfaction based on the results of an employee survey.
  • The management of an organisation can respond to the different aspects of the work experience that employees face on a daily basis.
  • Standardised employee surveys "streamline" communication to employees especially in very large companies where regular feedback meetings cannot take place.
  • Employee surveys are usually conducted anonymously, which means that social desirability responses do not occur and thus a truly objective picture of opinion can emerge.
  • The performance of employees as assessed by team members and managers can be evaluated on an ongoing basis.
  • Get inputs on what could be done differently to improve the business and uncover problems that can cause sustainable losses for the company.

Tips for conducting your employee survey

Define clear goals for your employee survey

Why do you want to conduct the staff survey? Explain to your staff what it is all about, why you are conducting a staff survey now, what the purpose is, what you are learning and experiencing about your organisation, your company and what you want to improve. If your employees have clearly recognised that you really want to change something by conducting an employee survey, then they are more likely to engage with the content of the survey topics and you will get a realistic picture of their mood.

Conduct employee surveys anonymously & voluntarily

Of course, you should conduct the employee survey anonymously. In an anonymous employee survey, no personal data is collected and answering the questions does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the person, which is admittedly not always easy. For example, if you ask about department affiliation in order to be able to filter the answers accordingly, and the department only consists of 3 people, it is quite possible to draw conclusions about the person from the rest of the answer behavior.

In any case, try to avoid something like this, because if your employees suspect that they can be identified, they may give social desirability answers or not fill out the questionnaire at all - because participation in an employee survey should always be voluntary based, which in turn is an important confidence-building measure. Because: You will most likely conduct your employee surveys online, and there can be great doubts as to whether the data from the employee survey will actually be sent anonymously if the questionnaire is filled out on your own PC. Contact us! We will show you an interesting solution!

Conduct employee surveys regularly in the form of touchpoint analyses!

Gone are the days when questionnaires were distributed to employees once a year - if at all - at the end of the year to ask about their satisfaction. Companies have long since realised how important it is to regularly question the sensitivities of the workforce and, based on the results, to create a culture and framework for growth, development and evolution as well as an inspiring and varied working environment.

Touchpoint analyses along the employee journey

Conducting employee surveys in the form of touchpoint analyses along the employee journey has proven to be really useful. Employee journey can be understood as the summary of all employee touchpoints that employees go through during the entire period of employment in the company. This in turn means that instead of one big all-encompassing employee survey, there are several small surveys tailored exactly to the different touchpoints.

Examples of employee touchpoint analysis

  • During the induction process, new employees are asked about the onboarding process.
  • At the end of a working week, employees are asked whether the weekly goals have been achieved.
  • Survey teams and groups after projects have been completed (e.g. PR or marketing campaigns, introduction of new IT infrastructure)
  • In the canteen, employees can rate the quality and diversity of the food via touchscreen or feedback terminal.
  • Conduct exit surveys when employees leave the company.
  • Conduct regular pulse surveys on the satisfaction and well-being of your employees
  • Have your employees regularly evaluate managers
  • Conduct surveys for further training measures

Employee surveys also show that
You take your employees seriously and important

By initiating a survey, you already show your employees that you are interested in their opinion, that you want to change something for their benefit and that this change will also have positive effects on the company at the same time. And thus you will also get the correspondingly honest answers, because the employees are also interested in seeing their working environment change positively, both in the office and in production!

Employees expect changes after
the implementation of an employee survey

Important: if you have decided to conduct an employee survey in your company, then you must be clear that your staff actually expect changes resulting from the results! Because if the staff survey remains without any action, then you will have difficulties in motivating your staff to take part in further surveys in the future. Moreover, it could be that the management loses its credibility after an inconsequential staff survey. "Nothing happens anyway", "What's the point".

Create acceptance through participation!

In order to gain a high level of acceptance among your employees, have the staff elect "arbitrators" who act as contact persons at all times and accompany the employee survey as "arbitrators", so to speak. These persons can then make sure that the data collection is really anonymous. If the arbitrators are directly elected by the staff, they enjoy a high degree of credibility. And: by means of a simple online election procedure, the effort is very low. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Eliminate operational blindness and
putting ideas about everyday work into perspective

It is also very important for you as the initiator of an employee survey to receive honest and unembellished feedback for once, because in the long run we all become operationally blind if we do not receive new impulses, suggestions and honest answers and then we may not see things quite as they actually are, especially below the surface. If you really know what is going on in your company, where the deficits are, what your employees need in order to work efficiently, then you can also react and actively improve the working atmosphere and the working environment.

Pay attention to the question in the employee survey

Avoid leading questions or questions that provoke desired answers. If you are really interested in the honest opinion of your employees, try to ask your questions as factually and neutrally as possible. Avoid questions that could give tendentious answers to your employees, such as:

  • Don't ask: Did you also enjoy the last company outing?
  • Ask instead: How did you like the last company outing?

At the end of the day, your aim is to achieve real change, not to score as positively as possible in the staff survey.

You should also avoid summary questions, such as this one:

  • How satisfied are you with your superior(s) and how satisfied are you with the management in general? very satisfied / satisfied / rather not satisfied / dissatisfied

It may well be that the employee is quite satisfied with the company management, but the direct superior does not enjoy much recognition.

Also use open questions

Another advantage of professional software for conducting an employee survey is the possibility of evaluating open-ended, so-called qualitative questions. On the one hand, your employees can also get rid of something that cannot be answered with a few mouse clicks. On the other hand, it is possible to evaluate the free text via a comprehensive text analysis. This provides you with important additional information for your employee survey.

Use the Employee Net Promoter Score

The Employee Net Promoter Score is a key performance indicator that provides information about employee satisfaction and loyalty. Employee Net Promoter Score contains only one question, namely whether your employees would recommend the company to friends and acquaintances as an employer.

Employee Net Promoter Score in employee surveys

Inform your employees and
share the evaluation!

When the employee survey is completed, you should always inform your employees about the results! This builds trust. But not only when you already have a package of measures to improve the survey results. On the contrary: involve your employees in the change process from the very beginning. The presentation should be graphically simple and very clear, understandable for everyone. No fancy business terminology! No incomprehensible graphics. Everyone should feel involved and, above all, taken seriously.

Package of measures, implementation & success monitoring after the employee survey

Once you have put your heads together and decided on measures for change, present your package of measures and initiate implementation! Once you declare the measures finished, a new staff survey should be conducted to assess and evaluate the effectiveness.

Conducting the employee survey

Use a professional survey tool to conduct the employee survey. It's not just about intuitive operation when designing the questionnaire or analyzing and evaluating the data. When it comes to data security and the stability of the system, you will also be better off with a professionally developed system. And you won't come across any surprising limitations, such as the number of questions within the questionnaire or limited feedback. You don't have to pay huge amounts of money for a professional solution. QuestionPro, for example, offers fair licensing and usage models.

Expert tip: That's why it makes sense to conduct employee surveys regularly and at shorter intervals

The success of a company is closely linked to the satisfaction, commitment, motivation and performance of its employees. It is therefore particularly important to listen very carefully to the workforce, to give your employees a voice, to question moods and trends, to uncover sensitivities and to determine where there is a need for further training.

In our experience, employee surveys are still often carried out “only” annually. Those responsible create an extensive questionnaire, which often asks more than 60-80 items. Employee surveys often become truly mammoth projects.

Annual employee surveys only reflect the current mood

Employee feedback almost always takes place in the immediate impression of what is happening, which means that hardly anyone makes the effort to reflect completely on the past year, but rather questions that are emotionally charged - such as those about satisfaction - in the moment get answered. The annual employee survey essentially ignores past moods and thus dilutes the results. It is also a well-known phenomenon that managers are particularly attentive to employee surveys in order to influence the mood in their own favor. This is human, but it doesn't help anyone to really bring about change.

High abandonment rates, outdated question sets and rare
department-, region- or location-specific questions

Annual employee surveys are usually quite comprehensive, because ultimately everything relevant from a year should be recorded somehow. In practice, we therefore repeatedly hear that the abandonment rate is quite high or that the data quality decreases significantly at the end of the questionnaire, for example that certain click patterns can be recognized or that the speed of completion is far above the proof.

What we also observe in survey projects is the fact that the same questions are asked over the years, meaning that there are no adjustments to changing situations or corporate cultural circumstances, which is a distorted image, especially in the case of strategic realignments, changed mission statements or other changed corporate goals can result.

In distributed companies, specific questions that affect certain departments and areas, locations or regions are often neglected, since the annual employee survey is in most cases controlled centrally and therefore only contains “central questions”.

High expectations for change measures
and lack of measurability of changes

A comprehensive annual employee survey, which requires employees to engage intensively with the content of the questionnaire, raises high expectations of actual changes. Of course, those responsible strive to actually bring about these changes and this usually happens, but due to a lack of tracking of the change measures initiated via control surveys, the changes that have actually occurred are often not even visible at all due to a lack of data material cannot be conveyed. The high expectations of the employees cannot therefore be met, which in turn raises fundamental doubts about the usefulness of employee surveys.

Condensing the survey interval also means
to be able to respond quickly to negative feedback

A very important advantage of longer survey intervals is the possibility of continuously uncovering negative mood tendencies and the associated possibility of rapid intervention in response to negative feedback. This means you are able to take immediate corrective measures and quickly check the success of your actions.

Best practices: Shorter questionnaires, closer survey intervals, faster evaluation and sustainable tracking of changes

Our observations repeatedly show that condensing the survey interval of employee surveys while simultaneously using shorter questionnaires significantly increases employee acceptance, as the phenomenon of “survey fatigue” that a long, multi-page questionnaire leads to at the end is avoided. In addition, the data quality increases significantly because no one has to “click through” a long questionnaire anymore. Longer survey intervals also have the advantage that changes can be tracked, visualized and therefore quickly made understandable more easily and at shorter intervals. So your employees realize that something is actually happening and that giving feedback really makes sense.

Continuous listening & employee community: Give your employees the opportunity to initiate feedback processes themselves.

We have already explained the principle of continuous listening in detail in one of our earlier blog articles. The point here is that employees and managers live a permanent feedback process that is not only initiated by the company management, as is the case with the classic employee survey. Companies provide their employees with an infrastructure that enables them to initiate feedback processes themselves. This can, for example, involve a kind of suggestion system using an idea board, forum discussions, submitting suggestions for improvement and also formulating criticism. A suitable tool for this is a → employee community that has all the tools to establish a feedback culture.

Employee survey: What role does the software used to obtain and evaluate feedback play in this topic?

If you conduct employee surveys regularly or even occasionally, then the software obviously plays a big role! You should make sure that you can fully implement your ideas for conducting an employee survey. With its web-based experience management platform for conducting and evaluating employee surveys, QuestionPro offers a wide range of tools that make it much easier for you to create the employee survey, distribute the online questionnaire and analyse the feedback obtained. For example, predefined question sets, a question library, an intuitive questionnaire editor, the automated sending of invitations to participate in the employee survey, a rights- and role-based tool for evaluation, special evaluation modules tailored precisely to the needs of employee surveys, to name but a few to name a few.

QuestionPro: Software for conducting your employee survey

Employee experience management platform

Get a 40-degree overview of what your employees really think about your company culture and how satisfied they are. Our comprehensive employee experience platform for conducting and evaluating employee surveys allows you to create fully automated surveys, votes and questionnaires and evaluate the data obtained in real time so that you can react quickly to challenges. With more than XNUMX predefined question types, you can create complex questionnaires for your employee survey in no time!

Surveys and evaluations along the employee journey

Every single experience your employees have impacts every part of your business, from productivity to employee retention, loyalty and identification. With the employee experience management platform QuestionPro, you can map, track, measure and thus optimize the experiences of your employees throughout their entire employment period, i.e. within the employee journey, starting with induction through to leaving the company.

Quickly set up employee surveys and put all theoretical survey models into practice

The creation, distribution and analysis of employee surveys is completely problem-free thanks to the intuitive handling of the employee experience platform QuestionPro! Use the integrated questionnaire editor to create questionnaires for your employee survey quickly, easily and intuitively. The questionnaire can be distributed in many different ways, such as by email, via the feedback app, via SMS, via the feedback terminal, via the employee community or the intranet. Basically, with QuestionPro you can put all theoretical models for employee surveys into practice 1:1. From ad hoc and micro surveys to employee monitoring or pulse surveys to 360° feedback or even company-wide data mining, everything is possible!

Internal and external benchmarking evaluation

Department, location and branch benchmarking: with QuestionPro's analysis tools you are prepared for any comparative analysis. If you work with consulting partners for external benchmarking, in addition to QuestionPro's standard benchmark function, you also have access to the simple data export and data import function.

Don't allow yourself to be limited when it comes to evaluation!

Thanks to the greatest possible survey automation with QuestionPro, you don't have to do without a full survey in the employee survey. The system also enables you to record and evaluate free text comments thanks to the integrated text analysis function, for example according to word frequency or word combinations. The whole thing can be represented as a keyword cloud.

Innovative Employee Experience Management Software

Due to its high scalability, QuestionPro goes far beyond the mere creation and analysis of employee surveys and offers you the functions of a complete experience management platform, with rights and role models, workflow/API integration, connection to IT systems, integrated community and sample management. management and much more.

Make intelligent decisions through regular employee surveys

Make smart hiring decisions while understanding your employees' needs and expectations by conducting employee surveys regularly and at shorter intervals. Our Employee Experience Management platform helps you carry out employee surveys cost-effectively, time-savingly and efficiently!

Why should you conduct and evaluate employee surveys with the employee experience platform QuestionPro?

The complete “all-round, worry-free package” for your employee surveys and evaluations

QuestionPro really has all the features and functions you need to conduct and evaluate employee surveys! You don't have to use third-party applications. The system includes numerous extensions and integrations that even allow you to automate processes. The system also has a feedback app for pulse surveys and an employee community as well as employee management and the option of creating organizational charts.

Easy to use and 24/7 support

Simple and fast: The QuestionPro Employee Experience Management platform for conducting employee surveys is quick and easy to learn, intuitively designed and very user-friendly! You don't have to go through time-consuming training to use the many functions. The system is based on common usability standards so that you can get started quickly! Our support is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And if you like, you will receive a free introductory webinar.

Easy creation of employee surveys

QuestionPro has an easy-to-use questionnaire editor that makes it easy to create employee surveys. More than 50 question types are available to you. You can also adapt the design of the questionnaire to your company’s CI. Sophisticated logic and plausibility do not have to be programmed but can be defined with a mouse click.

Comprehensive data analysis and evaluation for your employee survey

QuestionPro offers you a variety of evaluation options for your employee surveys, which give you a deep insight into your organizational and corporate culture. You also receive reports at the touch of a button. The analysis dashboard is clearly structured and contains graphically appealing evaluations. It is completely customizable and offers you the evaluations of all key performance indicators at a glance! All analyses and evaluations you need are integrated as standard.

Multilingual employee surveys

Since many organizations now operate worldwide, it is important to conduct employee surveys without much effort multilingual to provide. For example, you only have to create an employee survey once and simply translate the texts using tables within the created employee surveys. This ultimately eliminates the hassle of merging data if you had to create a different questionnaire for each language.

Clear and simple licensing models

With QuestionPro you won't experience any unpleasant surprises when it comes to license costs. Our prices are transparent, there are no sudden re-licensings that you didn't expect.

First class service and support

Service is very important at QuestionPro. There is always a contact person available to support you if you encounter any challenges when conducting employee surveys. Our specialists have many years of experience in the field of employee surveys and can support you both methodically and technically. And worldwide! QuestionPro can be found on all continents.

Forrester recommends QuestionPro

The renowned company Forrester Research has recognized QuestionPro as one of the top 12 providers in the field of Employee Experience (EX) Management in its report entitled “The Forrester New WaveTM: EX Management”. Platforms for Large Enterprises, Q1 2020″.

Evaluation of your employee survey with the real-time analysis and evaluation dashboard

Whatever insights, results, trends and comparisons are important to you: with QuestionPro's evaluation and analysis tool for analyzing data from employee surveys, you will be able to present this in a representative, clear and sophisticated manner. The evaluation and analysis functions correspond to the latest scientific standards and have been developed together with experts over decades. The integrated evaluations and reporting can be completely customized and prepared in a graphically appealing way for presentation purposes. On Click!

Evaluation of an employee survey

Evaluation of employee surveys: With the QuestionPro real-time evaluation and analysis dashboard you get all evaluations at a glance. The evaluation is freely configurable. You can freely design your own evaluation dashboard and also create multiple evaluation dashboards.

Possibilities of evaluations for your employee survey

Basically, you can use QuestionPro to carry out any type of evaluation for your employee survey. There are no limitations here. The special thing about the integrated evaluation module is the simplicity with which you can evaluate your employee surveys. Because QuestionPro has predefined evaluation modules that you can easily put together with a click of the mouse.

Here you will find some examples of evaluations for your employee survey

  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
  • 360 degree feedback
  • Gap analyses
  • Comparative analyses
  • Trend analysis
  • Data segmentation & filters
  • Weights
  • Sentiment analysis
  • semantic free text analyses
  • Key driver analyses

  • Organisational Health Index
  • Employer Branding
  • Employee journey analysis
  • employee engagement
  • Crosstabs
  • Correlation analysis
  • Benchmarks between departments, locations, regions, etc.
  • Word cloud
  • Max Diff Analysis
  • KPI evaluations

Employee survey evaluation

Another example of QuestionPro’s evaluation dashboard. Here you can see comparative Employee Net Promoter Scores and Key Driver analyses. In the foreground you can see a questionnaire from a pulse survey that has been optimized for mobile devices.

Example evaluation of an employee survey

In addition to the complex evaluation and analysis dashboard within the Employee Experience Management platform, QuestionPro also offers you the use of the clear standard evaluation. Graphically appealing and easy-to-interpret evaluations, a simple and clear design and an individually configurable dashboard are the most important features here.

Here you will find an example of the evaluation of an employee survey

Share the evaluation of an employee survey

You can share the evaluation of your employee survey with superiors or colleagues. The system takes into account the rights and roles of the recipients of the evaluation, so that not everyone can see everything that is not allowed to be seen.

Compare evaluations of employee surveys

QuestionPro offers you the opportunity to compare the results and evaluations of employee surveys, for example between departments, regions and subsidiaries. To do this, you don't have to laboriously consolidate and merge data; the benchmark works fully automatically at the push of a button.

Example / sample / template of an employee survey

And here you can find an example of an employee survey. This employee survey was implemented with QuestionPro. If you go through the questionnaire to the end. This will take you to the evaluation. You can also import this sample employee survey into QuestionPro and use it as a template!

Import template/Pattern/Example-questionnaire for
existing QuestionPro customers

You can easily import the work ethic questionnaire using this link:
Import questionnaire template now

Import template/sample/example questionnaire
with new registration

If you are not yet a QuestionPro customer, you can import this questionnaire when registering. Simply use the following link:
Register now and import the questionnaire template

1:1 live online presentation:
Employee survey: We will show you how to carry out your employee survey

Our EX experts will be happy to provide you with a consultation on the topic of employee surveys at an appointment of your choice. Arrange an individual appointment.

Try software for market research and experience management now for 10 days free of charge!

Do you have any questions about the content of this blog? Simply contact us via contact form. We look forward to a dialogue with you! You too can test QuestionPro for 10 days free of charge and without risk in depth!

Test the agile market research and experience management platform for qualitative and quantitative data collection and data analysis from QuestionPro for 10 days free of charge



Employee Experience | Employer Branding | Employees | Employee Experience Management 

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Platform for market research and experience management
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