Customer Experience Management

NPS Key Driver Analysis: Which NPS Drivers are the Strongest? Find out with driver analysis

Net Promoter Score Driver Analysis


The NPS is used to measure customer loyalty and is also an indicator of customer satisfaction. This makes it all the more important to identify those factors, the so-called key drivers, that have the greatest positive and negative influence on the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

What is the Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) has become so popular that it no longer needs to be explained. Today, the question “Would you recommend our company to friends and acquaintances” is encountered after almost every online purchase or online contract conclusion. In addition, the NPS is part of almost every customer survey. The NPS measures your customers' willingness to recommend you on a scale of 0-10.

Anyone who gives 10 or 9 points to your customers is extremely satisfied with the company and the products and will spread the word about it. Anyone who gives 7 or 8 points to the NPS question is more likely to have a neutral attitude towards your company and your products. Anything below 7 points is dangerous. Because these customers are dissatisfied and are spreading the word about it! And the worst part: These customers usually leave! You see, the Net Promoter Score is a valuable indicator of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And that's why you should always keep an eye on your NPS value.

Net Promoter Score Driver Analysis

What are NPS driver analyses (NPS key driver analyses)?

The NPS is used to measure customer loyalty and is also an important indicator of customer satisfaction, which can be derived from the NPS value. The greater the customer loyalty, the greater the customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and the ability to meet or even exceed customer expectations are the most important and powerful NPS drivers (NPS Key Drivers) that will cause your Net Promoter Score to skyrocket. Driver analysis, also known as relative importance analysis, involves determining the relationship between each variable in a set of variables (independent variables) and an overarching measure, such as customer satisfaction.

But how do you determine these NPS key drivers? With NPS driver analyses you gain important insights into which determinants have the greatest influence on your Net Promoter Score. When you know which NPS drivers have the most impact on your customers' overall satisfaction and loyalty, you know where your company should focus its energy.

NPS driver analyses with QuestionPro CX

QuestionPro CX offers an NPS Key Driver Analysis feature that allows you to determine which interactions with your customers have the greatest impact on your overall NPS. The NPS driver analysis helps you to identify which touchpoints you need to improve and which touchpoints work particularly well. Since you ask your customers the NPS question at different touchpoints as part of touchpoint analyses, the overall NPS value includes results from different sources. You ask the NPS question after an ordering process, after a support call or complaint, within a live chat or, for example, after a contract extension.

QuestionPro CX includes the NPS widget “Key Driver Analysis” for NPS driver analysis. The widget uses the Spearman's Rank-Order method to calculate the relationship between the determining variables of your NPS score. This way you can see at a glance which determinants are real drivers, i.e. NPS key drivers, for your overall NPS score.

Perform NPS driver analysis

The NPS Driver Analysis widget gives you a turnkey solution for creating driver analysis without having to configure any code or analysis yourself. QuestionPro's NPS driver analysis works at the push of a button and is therefore easy to use and interpret even for inexperienced users.

1:1 live online presentation:
NPS Key Driver Analyzes: Determine NPS drivers using NPS driver analyses with QuestionPro CX

We would be happy to show you in a 1:1 live online presentation how you can carry out driver analyses quickly and easily using the CX software from QuestionPro NPS. NPS Key Driver analyses show you which determinants have the highest influence on your Net Promoter Score.

Make an individual appointment now.

Find your NPS driver: Try software for NPS driver analysis now for 10 days free of charge!

Do you have questions about NPS driver analyses and would like to know how you can carry out NPS driver analyses with CX software from QuestionPro? We are happy to help. Simply contact us using the contact form. We look forward to the dialogue!

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