
QuestionPro Know-how

Free ebook: Advanced
The handbook for do-it-yourself market research

In German and English

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In our free e-book “The Handbook for Do-It-Yourself Market Research from QuestionPro” we show you how you can use the market research platform QuestionPro to carry out self-service market research studies and projects in your own company quickly, easily and cost-effectively can.

Conducting market research in your own company as a self-service: Handbook with best practices and tips!

Thanks to modern survey and analysis technologies, more and more companies are conducting market research in-house. This manual for self-service market research shows you how you can carry out the research on your own without much effort using the innovative question types and analysis options of the QuestionPro market research platform. The many question types within QuestionPro that can be used as self-service are clearly described, such as conjoint analysis, maximum difference scaling, semantic differential, image and ad testing, as well as the comprehensive evaluation options that provide you with the integrated real-time analysis of the outstanding market research platform offers. The free e-book also includes an overview of the many helpful features and functions, such as scoring logic, weighting and the intelligent data quality check. After studying the market research manual, you will be able to conduct do-it-yourself market research with QuestionPro quickly, easily and cost-effectively in-house.


Platform for market research and experience management
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