Employee Experience

Evaluation of 360 degree feedback: Make optimal use of results

Evaluation of 360 degree feedback with QuestionPro


In this blog post we will introduce you to various strategies with which you can make optimal use of the evaluation of 360 degree feedback. By following these best practices, you can achieve significant results and accelerate your own growth journey.

Evaluation of 360 degree feedback as a valuable tool

When planning to implement a 360-degree feedback program, one of the most important considerations is how to ensure your managers get the most benefit from the process and, most importantly, the results. If your budget does not allow you to incorporate coaching as part of the program, evaluating the 360-degree feedback survey can still serve as a valuable tool for personal and professional development.

What does the evaluation of a 360 degree feedback survey look like?

After completing a 360-degree survey, participants receive a report that summarizes the feedback collected from different perspectives. This report provides valuable insight into their performance and highlights strengths, areas for development and potential weaknesses. While evaluating 360-degree feedback is an important step, it is equally important to interpret the results with a sincere understanding and willingness to learn.

1) Reflect on feedback

After reviewing the report, take time to reflect on the feedback. Consider the patterns and themes that emerge from evaluating 360-degree feedback and seek to gain a deeper understanding of how others perceive your strengths and areas for improvement. Reflecting on feedback allows you to get to know yourself better and identify potential areas where you can grow.

2) Set clear goals after the 360 ​​degree feedback evaluation

Based on the insights gained through evaluation and personal reflection, it is important to set clear and actionable goals. These goals should align with your long-term goals and address the specific areas in which you want to improve. Make sure you focus on both your strengths and your opportunities for improvement.

When setting goals for areas of improvement, start by selecting only 1-2 areas. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to change too many things at once, otherwise you'll quickly lose focus. Create a development plan that sets out concrete steps to improve your skills and overcome challenges.

3) Look for further development opportunities

To ensure that the 360-degree survey leads to a meaningful development process, it is important to actively look for development opportunities. This may include taking part in relevant training programs, attending workshops or conferences, finding a mentor, or taking on new projects that expand your skills. Remember that personal development is an ongoing process and it is important to seek opportunities to learn and grow.

4) Solicit ongoing feedback

Customer feedback and employee journey model

While evaluating 360-degree feedback initially provides valuable feedback, it is important that you look for further inspiration on your development journey. Continuously seek feedback from colleagues, your manager, and others you interact with to gain different perspectives and gather insights into your progress. Have regular conversations to understand how your development efforts are being perceived and make adjustments as needed.

→ Continuous listening

5) Accountability and measurement

Take ownership of the goals you set and regularly track your progress. Keep a log of the actions you took, the milestones you reached, and the areas where further improvement is needed. By measuring your progress, you can stay motivated and make the necessary adjustments. Get the most out of evaluating your 360 degree feedback.

Drive personal and professional growth thanks to the evaluation of 360 degree feedback

The results and evaluation of a 360 degree feedback survey provide a comprehensive overview of a person's strengths and areas of development. The feedback and report are crucial to better understand which areas you can improve the most, but also to promote personal and professional growth.

1:1 live online presentation:
360 degree feedback evaluation and learnings

Find out more about evaluating 360 degree feedback and why it is so important for employee development. Arrange an individual appointment now and discover how you can make the most of your results.

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