Market research

Demand analysis: what it is and how to do it

Demand analysis


Demand analysis is a comprehensive process that focuses on evaluating and understanding the factors that influence the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase in a given market and over a given period of time . 

This approach examines in depth elements such as price, income, consumer preferences, economic conditions, and other external factors that may influence the relationship between supply and demand for a product or service. 

Using demand analysis, companies can make informed decisions about pricing strategies, market positioning and product development to anticipate and meet changing consumer needs.

Types of demand

There are different types of demand that can be classified according to different criteria. These categories help analysts and companies better understand how fluctuations in various variables can affect demand for products or services in the market.

  • Completely inelastic demand: Quantity demanded does not change in response to changes in price. It is a scenario in which consumers are willing to purchase a fixed quantity of the good or service, regardless of its price.
  • Inelastic demand: The quantity demanded changes less than the price. Essential goods or services often have inelastic demand because consumers are willing to pay a higher price for these necessary products.
  • Elastic demand: The quantity demanded changes more than the price. This is usually the case for goods or services that are considered somewhat optional or for which there are readily available substitutes.
  • Cross demand: This refers to the relationship between the demand for a good and the price of a related good. An increase in the price of one good can affect the demand for another related good.
  • Complementary demand: This occurs when the demand for one good is positively related to the demand for another good. For example, the demand for cars and the demand for gasoline are complementary.
  • Competing Demand: Occurs when two or more products compete to satisfy a similar consumer need. Price changes for one product can affect demand for the other.
  • Derived demand: Mainly refers to goods or services that are necessary for the use of another product. For example, the demand for cars is derived from the demand for tires.
  • Seasonal demand: It is subject to predictable fluctuations at different times of the year. Examples include the demand for winter clothing or toys before the Christmas season.
  • Luxury demand: This refers to goods and services whose demand increases as consumers' income increases. These products are often perceived as luxurious and not essential to life.

Factors affecting demand analysis

Demand analysis provides critical information to businesses by understanding the forces that influence consumers' purchasing decisions. In this way, they can effectively adapt their business strategies to meet the needs of the market and maintain a competitive advantage.

This process examines the factors that influence the demand for a product or service in the market.

A more detailed description can be found below:

Identification of key variables

  • Price: Demand analysis first examines how the quantity demanded of a product or service changes in response to price changes.
  • Income: The availability of consumers' income directly affects the demand for products and services. It examines how changes in income can influence purchasing decisions.

Demand curve

  • The relationship between price and quantity demanded is usually represented by a demand curve. This curve shows how quantity demanded changes when price changes and other factors remain constant.

Elasticity of demand

  • Elasticity of demand measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded to changes in price. Elastic demand means that the quantity demanded is very sensitive to price changes, while inelastic demand suggests that the quantity demanded is less sensitive to price changes.

Factors affecting demand

  • External factors: Changes in economic conditions, cultural trends, technology, government regulations and others can significantly impact demand.
  • Substitution and supplementary products: The availability of substitute or complementary products can influence the demand for a particular good or service.

Predicting demand

  • Demand analysis can be used to try to predict future trends and purchasing behavior. This is important for companies to plan their production, marketing and pricing strategies.

How do you conduct a demand analysis?

Conducting demand analysis can be a structured and useful process to understand consumer behavior and make informed decisions. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to easily conduct a demand analysis:

Step 1: Define the subject of the investigation

Clearly identify the product or service you are analyzing. Define its main characteristics and position in the market.

Step 2: Collect market data

Gather information about the market where your product or service is offered. This may include demographic data, economic and social data, and information about competitors.

Step 3: Identify the influencing factors

Identify the factors that influence demand for your product or service. These may include price, income, consumer tastes and preferences, economic conditions, etc.

Step 4: Determine the elasticity of demand

Determine whether demand is elastic, inelastic, or uniform by determining how the quantity demanded changes as price changes. You can use the elasticity of demand formula:

Elasticity= % change in quantity demanded.

                      % Price change

Step 5: Demand Curve Analysis

Based on the data collected, draw a demand curve. This allows you to illustrate how the quantity demanded changes as prices change.

Step 6: Assess the competition

Analyze how competitors' behavior can affect demand for your product. Consider the presence of substitutes and complementary products.

Step 7: Examine past demand

Review historical sales data and demand patterns. This can provide valuable information about seasonality and trends over time.

Step 8: Using Predictive Models

Apply forecasting models to anticipate changes in future demand. You can use techniques such as regression analysis, time series or opinion polls.

Step 9: Conduct market research

If necessary, conduct surveys or interviews to get direct feedback from consumers. This can provide detailed insights into their preferences and purchasing behavior.

Step 10: Summary of results

Summarize the results and use the information to make strategic decisions. Consider adjustments related to marketing, pricing, sales, or even the product itself.

Remember, the key is to use accurate and relevant data. This ongoing analysis allows you to adapt to changes in the market and better meet consumer needs.


In summary, demand analysis helps you understand the factors that influence consumers' purchasing decisions, from price to individual preferences. By assessing elasticity, constructing demand curves, and considering elements such as competition and seasonality, companies can make informed strategic decisions. 

Demand analysis not only provides an in-depth understanding of market dynamics, but also serves as a guide for adapting strategies, anticipating change, and ultimately driving sustainable success in an ever-changing business environment. 

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