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Benefits of Synthetic Data: How to Make the Most of It?

Advantages of synthetic data


Today's data-driven society presents us with many major challenges, including data protection, data availability and ethical considerations. The Advantages of synthetic data can transform data challenges and offer a promising solution.

In this article, we will learn about the various benefits of using synthetic data and explore best practices to maximize its benefits.

Definition of synthetic data

Synthetic data is data that is artificially created to simulate the statistical characteristics and properties of real data. However, it is important to note that synthetic data does not contain real data from real people or sources.

They may resemble replicating real data patterns, trends, and other attributes, but they do not contain real information coming from real people or sources.

Synthetic data is like a secret helper in the data world. They are quietly changing the way industry, research and even machine learning from data is done. They can help protect privacy, make the most of data and ensure it is used fairly and correctly.

Synthetic data generation

Understanding the process of Synthetic data generation is fundamental to understanding their potential and use in various disciplines. Synthetic data generation is a precise and planned process that uses various techniques and algorithms to produce data points that closely resemble the characteristics, structures and patterns of real data sets.

Generating the data is about making it indistinguishable from real data so that it can be used in artificial intelligence and analytics projects, research, and developing machine learning models.

  • Statistical distribution: This strategy produces data points that match the statistical properties and patterns expected in the target distribution. Instead of real data, synthetic samples are created based on understanding the characteristics of the distribution.
  • Generative models: Machine learning methods such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) can produce synthetic data that accurately reflects the distribution of real data. GANs in particular are often used for creating image and text data.
  • Agent-based modeling: In agent-based modeling, people, cells or computer programs are created and allowed to interact in a virtual world. These agents interact to develop system-level actions and patterns based on their rules, behaviors, and decision-making processes.

The benefits of synthetic data are enormous, but they cannot fully capture the complexity and nuances of real data. Therefore, they can often be used in combination with real data to strike a balance between privacy, utility and authenticity.

What are the benefits of synthetic data?

Synthetic data offers a variety of benefits to a variety of industries, driving innovation and improving real-world applications. They can save your company's life, especially if you work with confidential or sensitive data. Below are a number of benefits you can enjoy when using synthetic data:

Privacy protection

  • Protect your confidential information: Synthetic data is used to protect your privacy. Creating synthetic data creates data points that have no connection to real people or entities. This ensures that your sensitive personal information is never compromised. Fake data protects your privacy.
  • Makes Compliance Easier: Synthetic data allows you to share or analyse data while adhering to strict data protection requirements. Whether it's the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the US, synthetic data makes compliance easier.
  • Protection against data breaches: Are you worried about data breaches and data leaks? There is no risk of exposing someone's real data as the synthetic data is completely fake and does not relate to real people. So you can rest easy because the risk of data breaches and the financial and reputational consequences are significantly lower. Your information is safe.

security of the data

  • Minimizing risk: Using synthetic data minimizes the risk of using real data, which is especially important when working with external partners, researchers or third parties. Make sure your real data stays private and secure.
  • Protection against unauthorized access: Synthetic data allows you to regulate and restrict access to important information, reducing the possibility of unauthorized access or exploitation of your real data.

Data accessibility

  • Facilitates data availability: Synthetic data gives you the opportunity to make data more accessible for various purposes such as research, testing and development. This accessibility can significantly accelerate your innovation and decision-making processes.
  • Reduce restrictions: You have the flexibility to reduce restrictions on the use of data within your organization, creating an environment where collaboration works better both internally and externally. This allows you to use the data more effectively for various initiatives and projects.

Secure data exchange

  • Facilitates secure data exchange: Synthetic data allows you to securely share data with external parties, researchers, developers and data scientists. This makes it easier to collaborate without worrying about violating privacy regulations or putting sensitive information at risk.
  • Simplified Compliance: Synthetic data sharing simplifies your efforts to comply with regulations and data sharing agreements because you are not exposing real data about individuals. This makes it easier for you to meet compliance requirements.

Improved model training

  • Expanding real data sets: Synthetic data can be used to augment real data sets when you only have a limited number of them. This allows you to increase the size and diversity of your data sets, which is extremely useful in machine learning algorithms. Remember that more data usually leads to better model performance.
  • Balanced class distributions: Synthetic data can help you achieve balance when your datasets have unbalanced class distributions. This allows your machine learning models to be trained with a more representative sample set. This improves model accuracy while reducing bias in the results.

Fairness and reduction of bias

  • Identify and correct biases: You can use synthetic data to systematically identify and correct biases in your AI models. This promotes fairness and helps reduce unintentional discrimination in algorithmic decision-making.
  • Enabling Ethical AI: By eliminating bias and promoting fairness, you can use synthetic data to help develop ethical AI systems that treat all people fairly and respectfully.

cost savings

  • Reduce data collection costs: Synthetic data can significantly reduce the need for costly and time-consuming data collection activities, especially for large data sets.
  • Saving storage costs: Because synthetic data does not need to be stored with the same level of security as real data, the costs associated with data management and storage decrease.
  • Acceleration of development: The availability of synthetic data shortens the development time of data-driven projects and thus saves development costs.

Challenges in using synthetic data

When considering the benefits of synthetic data, it is important to remember that its use presents a number of challenges that can affect the quality, effectiveness and ethical aspects of its use. Let's look at some of these challenges in detail:

  • Data realism: Obtaining realistic data can be very challenging. Synthetic data cannot accurately represent the complexity and diversity of real data. This limitation can impact the performance of your machine learning models when used in real-world applications.
  • Generalization problems: If your models are trained on synthetic data, they may suffer from generalization issues. While they work well on synthetic datasets, you may not get satisfactory results when applied to real data.
  • Distortions and representativeness: When generating synthetic data, it is important to properly control the process. Otherwise, you risk inadvertently introducing biases into the synthetic data, which can persist or even reinforce existing biases in your machine learning models.
  • Validation and testing: Determining quality and effectiveness can be difficult when working with synthetic data. This is especially evident when there is no real data to compare, making it difficult to determine the credibility of the synthetic data set.
  • Methods for generating synthetic data: Choosing the right methods and strategies to generate synthetic data can be difficult. You will often find yourself in a situation where you need to experiment to find the best approach for your unique use case.
  • User acceptance: It can be difficult to gain trust in the reliability and security of synthetic data, especially among users and stakeholders who are the first to learn about the data's capabilities and reliability.

Best practices for using synthetic data

To get the most value from synthetic data, consider the following practices to ensure the quality, usefulness, and ethical use of the data generated:

  • Understand your use case: Clearly define your goals and use cases for synthetic data. Knowing your goals will impact your synthetic data generation strategy.
  • expertise: Include experts who are familiar with the complexities of your data. Their expertise can help ensure the synthetic data adequately reflects real-world events.
  • Data protection and ethical issues: From the outset, it is important to prioritize privacy and ethical issues. Make sure you comply with all necessary rules and ethical standards.
  • Start with high-quality data: The quality of the original data you use as a reference has a big impact on the quality of your synthetic data.
  • Attenuation of distortions: Develop ways to detect and mitigate biases in your source data and synthetic data generation processes.
  • data validation: Develop comprehensive validation techniques to assess the quality and value of your synthetic data. This includes, where possible, comparing the results of synthetic data with real data.
  • Feedback loops: Create feedback cycles that enable continuous improvement. Regularly update and improve your synthetic data generation process based on ideas and feedback from data users.


The benefits of synthetic data are far-reaching. They help keep your personal information private, accelerate new ideas, improve models, keep things fair, and enable secure data sharing. They create fake data that looks real so you can use it without revealing your secrets or worrying that you don't have enough data.

That's why you should use synthetic data in your data world. They open up the possibility of using data more effectively while ensuring the security of your information. As technology advances, synthetic data will play an important role in how people like you make decisions based on data.

The Survey software from QuestionPro plays an important role in making synthetic data usable. It helps collect real data, anonymize it, aggregate more data and enable secure sharing. This allows companies to use synthetic data while complying with data protection regulations. This also allows them to gain new insights more quickly and make better decisions.

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