Customer Experience

Difference between marketing funnel and customer journey

Difference between marketing funnel and customer journey


In the dynamic world of marketing, two fundamental concepts are often discussed: the marketing funnel and the customer journey. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they represent different aspects of the customer journey, from initial awareness to becoming a loyal advocate. So we're talking about that Difference between marketing funnel and customer journey.

This article examines both concepts, analyzing their phases and, above all, the main differences that distinguish them.

What is a Marketing Funnel?

A marketing funnel, often referred to as a sales funnel, is a visual representation of the customer journey through different phases of the sales and marketing strategy. Think of it as a visual guide for your customers' journey through the different stages of the sales and marketing process.

The “funnel” is so named because it resembles an inverted pyramid, initially wide and then gradually narrowing to show how prospects narrow as they move through the different stages.

Stages of the marketing funnel

The marketing funnel consists of several phases that map the customer journey, from the first perception of your product or service to the purchase. These phases are the following:


This is the top stage of the funnel. In this phase, potential customers become aware of your brand or product. They can learn about your brand through various channels such as social media, online ads, recommendations, or content marketing. The most important thing is to catch their attention and make them aware of your existence.

Learn more about the Awareness phase.


After becoming aware of your brand, some people show interest in learning more. You can interact with your content, visit your website, subscribe to newsletters or follow your social media profiles. The goal is to pique their interest and keep them engaged.


In this phase, potential customers are actively considering your product or service. They may be reading reviews and looking for more information. Content such as product comparisons, Case studies and customer testimonials can be particularly effective at this stage.


In this phase, potential customers have a strong intention to make a purchase. They may have added products to their shopping cart, requested a quote, or otherwise signaled that they were ready to purchase. The focus here is to get them closer to actually making a purchase.


The actual purchase takes place at the bottom of the funnel. Customers complete a transaction, which could be an online purchase, a subscription, or another action that directly contributes to your company's revenue.


The post-purchase process aims to maintain and improve customer relationships. This phase is often overlooked but is crucial. It's about providing excellent customer service, encouraging repeat purchases and cultivating customer loyalty. Loyal customers can become brand advocates and help attract new customers.


Loyal customers who are excited about your products or services can become advocates. You actively promote your brand through word of mouth, social media, reviews and recommendations. This promotional phase may also include loyalty programs or incentives to encourage customers to refer others.

Now let’s learn the difference between marketing funnel and customer journey…

What is a customer journey?

The customer journey is a broader concept that encompasses the customer's entire shopping experience with your brand. It goes beyond the pre-purchase stages to include post-purchase interactions and the way your brand is perceived over time.

Unlike the marketing funnel, the customer journey is not limited to a single, linear path but can be complex and non-linear.

Creating a customer journey map is a valuable process for companies as it helps them design a map that visualizes the entire customer experience model, from initial contact to post-purchase support.

Phases of the customer journey

The customer journey is a broader concept that encompasses the customer's entire experience with your brand, including pre- and post-purchase interactions. The stages of the customer journey model can be somewhat flexible and non-linear as customers can revisit or skip stages depending on their individual experiences and preferences.

Here are the phases of the customer journey:


The journey begins when a potential customer becomes aware of your brand or product. This initial attention can come from a variety of sources, such as: B. from advertising, from social interaction platforms, from word-of-mouth recommendations or from online research.


In this phase, the customer actively researches and evaluates your product or service. You can compare it with alternatives, read reviews, or get recommendations from friends or online communities.


At this point the customer decides whether they want to make a purchase. They can choose between your offer and that of a competitor, or evaluate different options and packages you offer them.


This is the point at which the customer makes a transaction, be it an online purchase, an in-store purchase, or some other form of conversion. It is the culmination of the decision-making process.

Post-purchase experience

After the purchase, the customer begins to experience your product or service. This phase is crucial because it influences the overall perception of your brand. Great customer service, clear instructions, and ensuring product satisfaction are critical.


If your product or service meets or exceeds the customer's expectations, they may become loyal. Loyal customers are more likely to purchase again and stay engaged with your brand.


Loyal customers who are excited about your brand can become advocates. Your advocacy can attract new customers and help build your brand's credibility


Some customer journeys may include a reevaluation phase. After becoming loyal customers, they may decide to return to the consideration stage to explore new products, upgrades, or different brands.

What is the difference between Marketing Funnel and Customer Journey?

The marketing funnel helps guide the conversion process, while the customer journey provides a more comprehensive view of the customer's relationship with the brand. Below is a table that shows the key differences between a marketing funnel and a customer journey:

Subject Marketing Funnel Customer Journey
Definition A linear model that represents the stages a prospect goes through in the sales process. A comprehensive representation of a customer's interactions and experiences with a brand throughout its lifecycle.
Structure Generally divided into phases such as awareness, consideration, conversion and retention. It can be a non-linear and continuous process, not necessarily divided into specific phases.
Approach Mainly focuses on the sales process and conversion funnel rates. The focus is on the entire customer experience and interactions with the brand, including pre- and post-sales.
Linear vs. Nonlinear It is usually presented as a linear sequence with prospects moving from one stage to the next. It can be non-linear as customers move back and forth between stages or touchpoints.
Contact points Emphasize key touchpoints related to marketing and sales, such as ads, landing pages, and sales conversations. Consider all touchpoints and interactions, including social media, customer service and product usage.
Measurements It is typically measured by conversion rates, funnel abandonment rates, and return on investment (ROI). It is measured by customer satisfaction, loyalty, Net Promoter Score (NPS) and overall lifetime value.
Time window It focuses on a shorter time frame, particularly the period from initial contact to conversion. It covers the entire customer lifecycle, including pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase phases.
Purpose The goal is to optimize the sales process and increase conversion rates. The goal is to improve the overall customer experience, build loyalty and foster long-term relationships.
Marketing Tactics Coupled with marketing strategies to move prospects through the funnel, such as: B. Email campaigns and retargeting ads. This includes various strategies including content marketing, social media engagement and personalized customer support.


Understanding the difference between marketing funnel and customer journey is crucial to developing effective marketing strategies. While the marketing funnel provides a structured way to convert prospects into customers, the customer journey focuses on the lasting relationship between your brand and your customers.

For marketing success, it is necessary to find the right balance between these two ideas. Remember that customer experiences don't end with a purchase, but continue into loyalty and advocacy, which can drive sustainable business growth.

You can strengthen and grow your customer relationships by leveraging the potential of both the marketing funnel and the customer journey.

QuestionPro facilitates data collection, analysis and feedback at the different stages of the marketing funnel and helps with segmentation, optimization and performance tracking.
Additionally, it supports personalized experiences, satisfaction measurement and analysis of touchpoints in the customer journey, helping companies improve the entire customer lifecycle and achieve long-term success.

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