Employee Experience

Tips for 360 degree feedback

Tips for 360 degree feedback


Feedback and recommendations from the people you work most closely with are one of the best ways to grow. That's why we're giving some today Tips for 360 degree feedback.

Good leaders know that in order to remain so, it is essential to continually grow and learn. The world is constantly changing and we cannot rely on the same skills that got us to a particular place to always ensure our prosperity.

Here are some best practices for implementing 360 feedback and ensuring you get the most out of it.

What is 360 degree feedback?

360 degree feedback is a feedback tool that provides a comprehensive, multi-dimensional overview of a person's performance within an organization.
Unlike traditional appraisals that focus on the perspective of a single supervisor or manager, 360 degree feedback collects information from a variety of sources, such as: B. Colleagues, subordinates, customers and even yourself. The aim is to get a holistic and more accurate picture of a person's performance and behavior in the work environment.

Importance of conducting 360 degree feedback

This assessment helps companies by providing a comprehensive overview of employees' skills, competencies and behaviors. Gathering feedback from multiple perspectives makes strengths and opportunities for improvement more visible, allowing employees and the organization to identify areas for development and opportunities for growth.

In addition, 360 degree feedback promotes a culture of open and constructive feedback, which can improve communication and collaboration within the team. Ultimately this leads to an increase Work performance, both individually and collectively, which benefits the organization in terms of productivity, customer satisfaction and goal achievement.

6 tips for 360 degree feedback

These are some recommendations you should follow to conduct 360 degree feedback:

  • Focus on development: Although most 360 degree feedback is confidential, people who are invited to evaluate their colleagues or managers often worry about whether they will say something that might upset the person they are evaluating, and whether this will in any way could apply to them. It is important that the program highlights the enormous benefit that the person receiving the feedback will receive from it and that the feedback is used entirely for the benefit of their development and not in promotion decisions or anything similar.
  • The role of technology: 360 degree feedback has been around for decades, and for good reason it still is, because it is incredibly valuable. However, the way information is collected has changed over time.
    Originally, 360-degree feedback was obtained through interviews, but today it is almost always obtained through survey technology. This is because technology makes collection much more efficient without losing the value of the feedback. This means more people can go through the valuable 360 ​​feedback process, at significantly lower costs for the company. However, not all technologies are created equal, so it's important to find the right one for you and your company culture.
  • Choosing the most appropriate people to provide feedback: By its nature, the 360-degree assessment seeks the opinion of the person's direct manager, colleagues and team. When choosing who to give feedback, remember again that the main goal of feedback is development and growth. Choose people who you work with often, who you have worked with on an important project, and who you know are willing to not only provide positive feedback, but also areas where you can improve.
  • Be proactive: Another tip for 360 degree feedback is to ensure that the people receiving the feedback are actively involved in the entire process. This includes carefully considering who is providing the feedback, reminding participants to complete the survey, and taking the results seriously and acting on them. It is important to involve everyone involved so that the assessment is effective and truly benefits the person being assessed and the organization as a whole.
  • Focus on both strengths and opportunities in the report: For most people, it's natural to quickly go to the areas where they performed worst. However, the areas in which a person performs really well are likely to be the ones that will help them achieve the greatest success.
    One of the goals of 360 degree feedback is to identify areas that may be preventing a person from reaching their full potential. It is equally important to highlight their strengths in the report. This will help you be more open to receiving constructive feedback and remind you what your strengths are and that you should continue to use them to be successful.
  • Planning and action are essential: After receiving the report, the person may need time to process the information and think about the best course of action. In some cases, a mentor may be assigned to help the person take action based on the feedback received. In many cases, however, it is the person themselves who takes their own path into their own hands.

Next, select one or two development areas. You may need further suggestions on the best course of action. We recommend that no one undertakes the plan alone. Work with your boss, your team, your department, set some goals and deadlines, and get excited about what you'll learn.


In a world where constant growth and learning are the key to being a great leader, 360 degree feedback proves to be a powerful tool for personal development. By following these simple but essential tips for 360 degree feedback, you can achieve the goals you set.
Remember that the main goal is development and any nervousness or concerns about feedback should disappear. Technology has made the process easier and more efficient, ensuring that you and your colleagues can benefit from this valuable process.

When choosing people to voice your opinions, think about those who know you well and want to see you succeed. Be proactive throughout the process and actively participate at every step, from selecting people to share their opinions with you to implementing the ideas received.

While it's natural to look for ways to improve, don't forget to acknowledge your strengths too. The report highlights both your growth opportunities and the areas in which you excel.
Finally, take time to plan and act. Collaborate with your team and your boss, set achievable goals, and look forward to the learning journey ahead!

At QuestionPro we are happy to help you on this growth adventure. Our user-friendly platform is designed to support your development and make the process fun and rewarding. Request a demo of our 360 solution.

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