Innovation Management

Develop innovative products and services by promoting a company-wide culture of innovation

Create and establish a culture of innovation


Without an established and practiced culture of innovation, companies find it very difficult to develop truly groundbreaking innovations and thus be successful in the long term.

Innovative product ideas require an innovative corporate culture

Never before have more products and services flooded into the markets than today, many of which are hardly different from each other and are interchangeable. It is therefore important to regularly bring innovations to the market in order to stand out from the competition. Of course, not all companies succeed in this. Companies that are truly innovative differ from less innovative companies in that it is not just a defined group of employees who are responsible for innovations, but rather that the entire company has a culture of innovative thinking across all department boundaries and detached from hierarchies nurture and nurture what is referred to as a culture of innovation.

What does innovation culture mean?

A culture of innovation should be part of your company's overall culture. A living culture of innovation is based on strategies for developing and exchanging ideas and encourages employees to participate permanently and out of their own motivation in improving company processes. This requires common norms, attitudes and values ​​that are shared by all employees and explicitly promoted by those responsible in a company. A strong culture of innovation leads to new, innovative products and a better customer experience. A culture of innovation should be clearly defined and, to maintain it, incentives should be created that increase employee engagement. Managers and employees who are clear about the company's expectations and who are motivated and have a close emotional connection to the company will work to achieve company goals and create innovative products.

Culture of innovation and growth

Successful innovation is supported company-wide by employees and managers. Everyone has to pull together and be open to innovations and even demand and promote them. A living culture of innovation creates the framework for the implementation of outstanding ideas and innovations. However, positive changes only occur when employees are equipped with the right information and tools. Research shows that successful innovation is based on growth. According to statistics, large companies that invest at least $5 million per year expand due to their willingness to implement new ideas.

Simply tips for creating a culture of innovation in the company

Prepare your employees for the new culture of innovation by explaining to them the new possibilities that innovative thinking will create. Encourage all staff, without exception, to participate in idea sharing and idea submission activities. Make innovation part of everyday work. Promote collaboration among all those involved who are dealing with new ideas by providing them with rooms and working materials for this purpose. And encourage your employees to learn new skills. This can lead to greater opportunities for everyone in your organization, which is a nice side effect of a culture of innovation.

Communicate the new innovation strategy throughout the organization and discuss it in team meetings. A really good communication strategy leads to a high-performance innovation culture. A recent survey found that only 13% of the workforce believes their company's communications efforts are inadequate.

Hold workshops focused on sharing ideas. This promotes teamwork in a pleasant environment. Encourage your employees to participate in innovation processes. Ask them for their ideas and feedback on any new innovation ventures. Provide your employees with a technological infrastructure that allows them to formulate ideas and participate in idea development.

Define what innovation means for each team. Describe how your ideas and efforts will impact the organization as a whole, both on internal processes, on the quality of your products and on the customer touchpoints, i.e. the points of contact between your company and your customers. Explain specifically how employees can contribute to innovation. Sometimes people don't act on an idea because their options aren't made clear.

How to maintain a culture of innovation

Maintain a culture of innovation by showing your teams the difference their ideas make compared to a culture of centralized idea management. Implement positive changes across all areas of the organization and ensure everyone understands their role in the company.

Offer incentives for sharing ideas. This shows your employees that their contribution is essential. Provide your teams with the right tools and resources. Also involve your customers in the innovation process, for example by providing a customer community. Extending your innovation efforts to those you serve can create new products tailored to your customers' exact needs.

Encourage the creativity of your workforce. Hold regular workshops and events that encourage employees to work together to solve a problem and provide them with relevant know-how

Include innovation in the regular workday. Employees may not know how or when to fit idea sharing into their schedule. Regular meetings dedicated to innovation encourage creative thinking in a distraction-free environment.

If you want to maintain a culture of innovation, you have to accept failure. Don't just live with it, celebrate it! Failure shows a tolerance for risk that will also lead to great rewards. Failures are also lessons and an investment in your employees. When people are not afraid of failure, they are more willing to try new ideas and make suggestions. So when you demonstrate success, also celebrate the lessons you've learned and the boldness of failure.

Maintain and promote a culture of innovation

So you've created a culture of innovation and found a way to promote and efficiently manage the exchange of ideas within the company, for example by introducing an employee community with idea management features. The next step is to implement the resulting initiatives. Often the best ideas come from those who are on the front lines, in direct contact with customers, and who truly understand what your customers need. Employees who feel that their contribution is important actually become important idea generators. In addition, employees will feel more comfortable sharing ideas together, which then become an innovation.

The need for innovation is constant. Research shows that fast innovators are 42% more likely to be stronger than their slower-innovating competitors, and sharing ideas among all employees is an important part of this process. Every innovation effort is unique. However, there are certain strategies you can use when implementing any new idea. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

A living culture of innovation strengthens your company

Innovation is about finding a solution to a challenge. It can take the form of a short or long-term initiative. Here you should be able to answer the following questions: What problems have you encountered in your organization? What processes need to be improved and how can you improve them? At which customer contact points is there a poor Net Promoter Score and correspondingly low customer satisfaction? In which departments and areas is there low employee satisfaction? The overarching goal of implementing innovation is to strengthen your organization from within. Growth comes from forward movement. And a living culture of innovation supports you in growth. If you find an idea that seems promising, explore it. Look at them from all angles to see all the possibilities. Some of these already exist, while others can be created.

Prioritize ideas

Your resources and time are limited. Prioritizing ideas helps you decide which ideas you want to advance together first. Start with the first two or three ideas you have the resources to implement. Some may be higher priority due to pressing challenges, while others may not be as mission or time critical. Test and refine new ideas to get a better idea of ​​how they will work. This allows you to form hypotheses that lead to proven theories. One way to test ideas for feasibility is market research.

Make sure that the scope of your market research remains modest in the early stages of an idea. For example, create sketches of a new process or product so that your employees can become aware of the idea. This gives you direct information about what can work and what doesn't.

Conduct multiple rounds of testing and gradually move on to more complex experiments. Involve more people each time to get different and unique results. The more employees you include in this process, the more the desired culture of innovation will be established.

Support innovation

Educate your stakeholders about your innovations. According to a PWC report, 61% of executives support open innovation and work with stakeholders to improve innovation efforts. This includes both those providing financial support and those who will directly benefit from the new product, service or process.

Innovation culture also means: learning from innovations!

There is always something to learn when introducing a new innovation. After each new effort, list what you would do differently next time. Remember that in a positive innovation culture, failures are always opportunities to learn from. Even successes can be improved, no matter how well they work.

1:1 live online presentation:
Community for innovation management and idea management

We would be happy to show you in a 1:1 live online presentation how you can drive ideas and innovations forward with the QuestionPro Community platform and the integrated tools for innovation management.

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