Customer satisfaction: Determine your Net Promoter Score with QuestionPro directly from the Intercom chat

Net Promoter Score Intercom Chat

XDAY Experience Management

Seine customers Making people happy is the top priority of every company. Every part of the company should internalize this. Customer service should therefore not be a department within a company, but should extend across the entire company! 

I'm sure you feel the same way: you appreciate speaking to real people in companies when you have a concern or a problem with a software or product. And you want quick and competent advice become. And you don't want to be linked and referred to again and again and have to present your concerns again and again. Because time is valuable, your nerves need to be spared in a hectic everyday life. Intercom, a messaging provider for the Communication between company and its customers, solves exactly this challenge with its products! Intercom makes it possible to get in touch with customers and companies anywhere in the world, be it via the website, via App, email or social media.


QuestonPro and the Intercom Chat

We employees Employees from QuestionPro, have been using Intercom to communicate with our customers for a long time. As a provider of a survey and analysis platform with a focus on Customer satisfaction surveys, it was of course important to evaluate the quality of our products and services, and this was best done in direct dialogue with our customers. But that wasn't initially possible with Intercom. Of course not! Because Intercom is not a provider of technology to determine the Customer satisfaction. And we are not a provider of communication technologies. So both companies quickly joined forces and created a solution for exactly this challenge. 

Data to determine the Net Promoter Score is obtained directly via Intercom chat

What is the Net Promoter Score?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a parameter to assess the likeability and interchangeability of a product or brand on the one hand, and customer loyalty and customer loyalty on the other. The Net Promoter Score is calculated by asking your customers a single question: How likely are you to recommend our product/brand to a friend or colleague? How and what exactly Net Promoter Score in detail and how you can determine it, we talked about it in one of our previous blog articles Net Promoter Score described in more detail.

How does the Net Promoter Score integration work in Intercom?

Outrageously simple: When you have completed a support case, complaint, request or whatever type of dialogue you have, the system automatically pops up a link in the chat window that leads directly to the Net Promoter Score question! The Net Promoter Score is an important KPI, so Key performance indicator, which is also very quick and easy to determine. The Net Promoter Score is therefore a good question to ask at the end of a chat. A chat is a fast medium. There is hardly any time for detailed questioning. But of course you can do others too surveys integrate into the chat.

Everything at a glance with the real-time dashboard!

NPS intercom

Immediately after being the customer Feedback has submitted, the graphics are in the real time-Dashboard updated so that you always have an up-to-date view of your Net Promoter Score data. The dashboard can be divided into different sections so that you can see which department or process the customer's feedback belongs to.

These are your benefits

  • Intercom integration is an important component for companies in obtaining data on matters Touchpoint analysis.

  • It allows you to evaluate your service, your communication and interaction using a clear dashboard.
  • The customer will not be left with an endless questionnaire confronted, but expresses his opinion with just one click.
  • The dashboard gives you an image of the performance of your employees.

Net Promoter Score example
with real-time evaluation

Here you will find an example survey to determine the Net Promoter Score as well as a real-time evaluation:
Example Net Promoter Score

You have any questions to this topic? Simply contact us using the contact form. We look forward to the dialogue!

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